onPoint – Heavy Rain

Posted by: 3/4/2010

Quantic Dream, the studio behind creator director David Cage, put a big leap forward in game design. Their latest Interactive Drama Heavy Rain is one of the most unique experiences you’ll ever have. The title received an immense amount of hype due to an impressive tech demo at 2006’s E3. Heavy Rain is a thriller based on a serial murderer named the ‘Origami Killer’. There are four playable characters which are all connected to a series of murders.

Right from the start I felt that Heavy Rain was going to be a special game. The control scheme is very intuitive and different from traditional methods. Players will execute a brilliantly broad range of actions from brushing your teeth and getting dressed to frantically fighting some seriously bad guys or escaping a hairy situation which will keep you to the edge of your seat the entire time. The story is incredibly engaging and will keep you thinking about your decisions (which actually matter) for days.

Heavy Rain is the first game I have ever played which caused me to feel actual emotions close to a movie experience. While some characters are developed better than others it does not hurt the overall experience. The Game looks gorgeous and plays really well.

onPause verdict: Buy It! – Heavy Rain is an incredibly well executed adventure drama with so many important decisions that you will want to play it many times over, a must have for every PS3 owner!
