Dashboard Evolution: From Xbox to Xbox 360 to Xbox One

Posted by: 12/18/2013

The original Xbox was released as a vision of forward-thinking technology – Microsoft wanted to make an entertainment hub that owned the living room. Since the first Xbox was released in 2001 much has happened. The Xbox dashboards have changed many times over the past 12 years and we took a look back.

Here is the Evolution of the Xbox Dashboard. From the first and very simple Xbox interface we went to the Xbox 360 ‘Blades’ which were replaced by the New Xbox Experience (NXE) until the final iteration of the Xbox 360 Metro dashboard. The Metro interface is what is largely in place on Microsoft’s latest console – the Xbox One.

It is especially hard to believe that between 2005 and 2013 the Xbox 360 dashboard underwent changes that made it look and feel like a brand new machine many times over. We wonder just what the Xbox One interface will look like at the end of its life cycle.

Original Xbox Interface

Original Xbox Dashboard 1

Original Xbox Dashboard 2

Original Xbox Dashboard 3

Xbox 360 Blade Interface

Xbox 360 Blades 3

Xbox 360 Blades 2

Xbox 360 Blades 1

Xbox 360 NXE Interface (New Xbox Experience)

Xbox 360 NXE 3

Xbox 360 NXE 2

Xbox 360 NXE 1

Xbox 360 Metro Interface

Xbox 360 Metro 2

Xbox 360 Metro 1

Xbox 360 Metro 3

Xbox One Interface

Xbox  One Dashboard 3

Xbox  One Dashboard 2

Xbox  One Dashboard 1


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