Modern Warfare 3 Avatar sales to benefit War Veterans

Posted by: 12/5/2011

Call of Duty and Activision have been making a lot of money on military based video games, in other words, millions of people buy Call of Duty. Activision has been appreciative of this fact and started the Call of Duty Endowment program recently.

The program raises money for war veteran’s re-integration into the ‘normal’ world after they return home from their tours. Previously Call of Duty XP and game sales have contributed millions to this fund and Activision has started a new sales to increase the contribution.

If you buy Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Avatars on Xbox LIVE, money will be donated to the Endowment and will help support the people who keep our great nation free and democratic.

The sales from December 2nd to the 16th will be donated to Call of Duty Endowment, so grab yours now and help a veteran!
