Trailer: ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 3 is getting a Teaser

Posted by: 6/13/2016

Clementine is back in The Walking Dead Season 3 and ‘will play a key role, but this is a new story as much as it is a continuation of Seasons One and Two’. Key role also means there will likely be other playable characters. Telltale also says that this is a continuation of season 2 as much as it is a brand new story.

Last night at the IGN livestream Telltale gave us all a brief glimpse of the third season of The Walking Dead but they are ‘not yet ready to confirm a whole lot about exactly what it means’ but clearly there is more to come. We know the season will debut this fall.

When it comes to Clementine, players’ relationships with her have very much evolved over the course of Seasons One and Two. In Season One, it was all about playing a more paternal role and helping a little girl find her feet and the courage to survive in a world gone to hell. Season Two was about Clementine developing her skills and becoming more independent of the people around her. In this next season, she’s in her early teens, and has grown to be a person who is clearly capable of handling herself – someone very much on the same level as Javier, a fellow survivor who has been through hell, and has managed to remain alive as long as Clem.

Clem has also been through a lot since we left her at the end of Season Two… and depending on the paths players may have taken with her in the past, she may or may not be exactly the same person we knew back then. You’ll play as both Javier and Clementine through the course of the season, but exactly how that works is one of the exciting details we’re not quite yet ready to reveal.

Walking Dead Season 3 Telltale Gameplay Premiere Release Date

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