Sonic Chronicles Interview & New Screens

Posted by: 2/17/2008

IGN got to sit down with Mark Darrah, producer of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood for an interview. View 20 new Screenshots

IGN: Explain to us how the two screens on DS are being used.

Mark Darrah In exploration, the top screen serves as a mini-map for the current area. In other screens, it is used to display the non interactive parts of the GUI.

IGN: What kinds of locales will gamers recognize from the Sonic series?

Mark Darrah To name a few: Green Hill Zone, Central City, Mystic Ruins and the Blue Ridge Zone

IGN: How exactly do you play the game?

Mark Darrah The game will be controlled using the stylus really allowing for a sense of speed that is key to Sonic series.

IGN: Sonic games are known for blazing speed. How will you present (or sidestep) this in an RPG? As a direct question, are there any loop-de-loop moments?

Mark Darrah There are loop-de-loop moments. The most important thing in Sonic Chronicles is remaining true to Sonic’s roots while still exploring new directions. This means evoking a feeling of speed and attitude in the player’s interaction with Sonic. View Full Interview
