Sony NGP Announced (PSP 2)

Posted by: 1/27/2011

Sony has finally revealed the PSP2… I mean NGP after all the rumors over the past year. The NGP (Next Generation Portable) features dual sticks, two cameras, front and back touch screen, an all new enhanced interface and finally for now, a 5-inch OLED display (960×544 resolution, 4x the PSP 1.)

Also, Sony’s un-dated hand held successor will feature 3G, WiFi and GPS capabilities as well as six-axis motion control capabilities.

Some of the games that Sony announced for it that you may know of are Hot Shots Golf, LittleBigPlanet, WipEout, Killzone, Resistance and Uncharted.

Some new titles that they revealed are Gravity Daze, Reality Fighters, Smart As, Broken and Little Deviants.

Check out our NGP tag for all the latest news and videos on this brand new handheld.

Update: You can view some high res images of the NGP here.
