PS3 and Game trade-ins on the rise in wake of PSN outage.

Posted by: 5/18/2011

Trade-ins on games can be a wonderful thing for consumers. For PSN users, it looks like they are returning games that heavily have replay value online, outside of the campaign. Microsoft and Nintendo love gaining new customers. Especially winning a competitor’s customer over.

A local Gamestop employee Said “We have seen a influx of multiplayer games traded in for credit for PS3. People are just losing hope in PSN returning.”

This may be a good thing for the used game players when PSN does return. In the eyes of myself and other gamers, right now, the PS3 games that I do have, the campaign is completed and they serve a better purpose as a coaster than any capacity online. Gamers have had heard soon from Sony many times from the Playstation Blog. With the outage being strung out and the promise of a “Welcome Back” Promotion when it does come back. In the eyes of a hardcore gamer it seems it may be to little to late.

As far as the developers, they are being pretty tight lipped about the outage. Although it has been reported that many Developers are losing money from the associated outage. Devs may lose hope just as easy as the gamers themselves. That to Sony would be damaging beyond repair. With the new line of Blockbuster titles lined up for this holiday and later next year. Third Party Developers may think twice before adding some kind of network support. With online game play such a big component of gaming in this generation. Will Sony recover?
