E3 2011: Uncharted 3 Beta and Early Access

Posted by: 6/7/2011

Uncharted 3 is one of the most cinematic games on the market. With many followers this game has lifted to a “box office hit”. It has some of the most innovative multiplayer in the third person shooter genre. Creating a demand for a multiplayer Beta that will start June 28, 2011 to all Playstation Plus users. You now have a reason to redeem your free month of Playstation Plus.

Subway restaurants, Naughty Dog, and Sony have teamed up to give a full multiplayer release to customers of subway. Starting in October Sony will be releasing the full multiplayer experience before the release of uncharted 3 in November to subway customers . I don’t know about you guys. But, I am craving a Five Dollar Footlong.
