Lone Survivor headed to PS3, Vita

Posted by: 3/13/2013

The popular indie game Lone Survivor is on its way to the PlayStation Network to be downloaded for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Lone Survivor is another entry in the Cross-Buy platform, meaning you purchase the game once, and can download it on both consoles.

Lone Survivor is a survivor horror game where you choose how to survive. The protagonist is in a city devastated by monsters, and you choose how to survive against enemies as you make your way out of the city. You can use stealth to sneak past enemies, or go in guns blazing. The game features many choices for the player to make.

Lone Survivor was developed by Jasper Byrne under the Superflat Games publishing name. You may recognize the name from the Hotline Miami soundtrack. I’m guessing Lone Survivor probably has a great soundtrack.


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