Pre-order Anomaly 2, get a copy for free

Posted by: 4/29/2013

Some new information regarding Anomaly 2 was released today, including pre-order bonuses and a release date.

If you pre-order Anomaly 2 from 11 bit studios, users will receive a Steam key, plus an extra key to give to a friend. The tower defense game is adding a multiplayer mode that is being described as “game changing” to the tower defense genre. The website to pre-order is, and those who purchase early will receive 10% off the normal price.

In addition to the announcement of the pre-order bonus, 11 bit studios has announced that Anomaly 2 will be released on May 15th for the PC, Mac and Linux. To celebrate, there is also a new trailer out for Anomaly 2, and you can read my early impressions about the game here. .

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