Dota 2 launching now

Posted by: 7/9/2013

The two year beta of Dota 2 has finished, and Valve is ready to release it to the public.

Over the two year period that Dota 2 was in beta, the game amassed a monthly user base of 3 million users, and a peak of 300,000 concurrent users during that period.

“Thanks to those who participated in the beta and Workshop contributors, you’ve helped us build the game and define the infrastructure to support it,” said Erik Johnson of Valve. “Our goal over the next few weeks is continue to make the game more enjoyable as more players are brought in. We hope to make it as smooth as possible for existing players and new players alike.”

You can gain access to Dota 2 by going to the store page on Steam, and signing up for the game. To make the rollout of the public version of the popular MOBA is smooth, Valve is giving users access to the game in the order they sign up, meaning it could be a few days before you get an e-mail saying you can play the game.


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