Sony details third annual PLAY summer program

Posted by: 7/15/2013

Sony has revealed their plans for the upcoming PlayStation Store PLAY summer program. This is a showcase of smaller games that get a lot of exposure being on the PlayStation Store.

The four games that will feature in the PLAY summer program are Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (July 23), Cloudberry Kingdom (July 30), ibb & obb (August 6), and DuckTales: Remastered (August 13).

Sony will be offering cash vouchers for those that purchase two or more of the games in the PLAY summer program. These vouchers can be used for other content on the PlayStation Store. Buy two of the games you get $3, three games nets you $6, and buying all four games will get you $10 back.

All but one of the games will sell for $9.99 for normal users, or $7.99 for PlayStation Plus members. The only exception is DuckTales: Remastered, which goes for $14.99 or $11.99 for PlayStation Plus members. playstation_play_2013

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