Steam Summer Sale: Day nine recommendations

Posted by: 7/19/2013

We are nearing the end of the annual Steam summer sale, so it is time to start getting in on these deals before they end. Here is what we recommend for day nine.

Metro LL Faction Pack Screen 11

Daily Deals

Metro: Last Light (-40% $29.99) – This first-person shooter is one of the best games of 2013. Set after the events of Metro 2033, you step back into the shoes of Artyom as you try to survive in post apocalypse Russia. It is also one of the best looking games I have ever played. Plus new missions were just added through the Faction DLC Pack that goes for $5, and they are very enjoyable.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition (-40% $35.99) – Just recently released, the legendary edition of Skyrim features all of the DLC that has been released for the game. For lovers of RPGs, this is one you do not want to miss out on.

Monaco (-50% $7.44) – This indie puzzle game is about participating in heists. You assemble a team of specialists to infiltrate areas and steal items. One big selling point of Monaco is the incredible art style, which is incredible.

Civilization V (-75% $7.49) – Although this turn-based strategy game came out almost three years ago, there is still a lively community that is releasing mods all the time, and Firaxis is still supporting the game with new expansions. Although I’ve only played Civilization IV and Civilization V, the fifth game is by far my favorite. You can put hours and hours of time into the game, and find something new. It is one of the best PC games ever released.

Under $10

Trials Evolution: Gold Edition (-50% $9.99) – Originally a PC title, Trials Evolution was released first for Xbox 360, then found its way to the PC again. It is a motocross game where you must conquer obstacles to reach the end, and they can get pretty ridiculous. It is a great game to play for a few minutes, or for a few hours.

Under $5

Far Cry 2 (-75% $2.49) – Some may agree with the next statement, but Far Cry 2 is a good game. It isn’t the best Far Cry in the series, but it is still a decent game. I recently went back and revisited the game, and found myself really enjoying it. For $2.50, there is no excuse to not buy it. Unless of course you already own it.