Steam Summer Sale: Day six recommendations

Posted by: 7/16/2013

Ready to buy some more cheap, awesome games? So are we. Here are our recommendations for day six of the Steam summer sale.


Daily Deals

Mark of the Ninja (-75% $3.74) – Mark of the Ninja took an idea that had never been fleshed out well (side-scrolling stealth game), and excelled with it. It has some great stealth gameplay, utilizing visual elements to give the player information. The controls are tight, and it just plays really well.

Sleeping Dogs (-50% $6.24) – What was supposed to be a new True Crime game turned into Sleeping Dogs, and the change was a great move. Set in Hong Kong, Sleeping Dogs is an open world crime game that many will compare to Grand Theft Auto. One thing that Sleeping Dogs handles better than any GTA is hand-to-hand combat. It is a lot of fun that I’ve put hours into, and still revisit it from time to time.

Rising Storm (-50% $9.99) – Rising Storm is multiplayer expansion to the hit first-person shooter Red Orchestra 2. While the original game was set in Europe, Rising Storm takes place in the Pacific theater. It takes the original game and adds weapons and settings that are authentic to the Pacific theater. It is a great expansion.

Under $10

Empire: Total War (-50% $7.49) – The award winning RTS series heads to the American colonies as European empires fight for land in the new world. The game features the awesome RTS combat that made Total War so special, a great strategy aspect to grow your empire, and the ability to engage in ship battles that are gorgeous.

Under $5 

Max Payne Bundle (-75% $3.74) – For the low price of what a cheeseburger costs, you can get Max Payne and Max Payne 2. These two games are absolutely amazing, and for newcomers to the series, you’ll learn why Max Payne is the way he is.

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