PlayStation 4 will launch on Nov. 15 in North America

Posted by: 8/20/2013

Sony finished their Gamescom press conference by announcing a release date for the PlayStation 4. It will be released on November 15 in North America, and November 29 in Europe. The price remains at $399.

Sony also announced some new games for the PS4, with a majority of them being indie games. Highlights include Hotline Miami 2: Wrong NumberMinecraftRogue Legacy, and other popular indie titles.

The Vita has seen its price cut to $199, and a majority of the indie games announced at the press conference will be available for Vita. It was also announced that Borderlands 2 would be making its way to the Vita. Sony has also said the memory cards could see a price drop.

The 12 GB version of the PlayStation 3 has also seen its price cut to $199.

Big day for Sony today. We will find out when the Xbox One is scheduled to come out soon.


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