XCOM, Borderlands 2 panels to feature at PAX

Posted by: 8/27/2013

2K has pass along information to share with those going to PAX Prime this weekend. Two of their games, XCOM: Enemy Within and Borderlands 2 will be the main topic of panels.

The XCOM: Enemy Within panel will take place on Saturday, August 31 in the Pegasus Theater. It starts at 3:30 PDT. There will be a live gameplay demonstration, never-before-seen content, and they Firaxis will discuss the story behind developing Enemy Within.

The Borderlands 2 panel is scheduled for Monday, September 2 at 2:30 PDT in the Main Theatre. There will be a gameplay demonstration of the next DLC, an update on the short film being made with Academy of Art University, and “unexpected shenanigans,” whatever that means.

If you’re going to PAX Prime, enjoy the panels!


