Dungeon Defenders II changed due to feedback

Posted by: 10/8/2013

Trendy Entertainment wants its fans to know they are listening. And by the looks of it, they are listening closely. Trendy has announced that by listening to the feedback from fans of Dungeon Defenders, they will be dropping the MOBA-life feautres.

They have also announced that they are focusing more on creating a sequel that feels much like the first game while adding plenty of new content.

“We had strayed from making the kind of game fans wanted and the kind of game we wanted to develop. So, we’ve nixed the MOBA-style of gameplay and other ‘extra’ features we were talking about and instead are making the sequel we all want to play,” said Philip Asher, Marketing Director at Trendy Entertainment.

Dungeon Defenders II is being developed for PC, Mac and Linux, and is scheduled for a soft launch as a free-to-play game next spring. It will also be playable for the first time at New York Comic Con from October 10th-13th.


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