First images for Space Hulk: Deathwing released

Posted by: 5/22/2014

Space Hulk: Deathwing is an upcoming first-person shooter from StreumOn Studio, and we have the firs screenshots for you to peruse.

The game is set in the popular Warhammer 40,000, putting you in control of a Space Marine Terminator. The game is set within a Space Hulk, which is described as “claustrophobic and Genestealer-infested.”

The Genestealers will be the main enemy in the game, along with Genestealer Hybrids that are equipped with heavy weapons.

There is no release date for Space Hulk: Deathwing yet, and no platforms are confirmed. It may not even be a real game (kidding). Check out the first screenshots below.




