Weekend Gaming 5/16/2014

Posted by: 5/16/2014


It is Friday, and there is no better way to spend the weekend than playing a new release, or continuing a game that you’ve been playing for a while. Either way, it is time for Weekend Gaming.

New Releases 

Super Time Force (Xbox 360, Xbox One) – At first glance Super Time Force may look like your typical scrolling shooter. But that all changes once you die. Instead of just respawning, the ghost of your previous run helps you out by performing the actions you did previously. It is hard to explain, so check out the trailer below.

Andreas’ Weekend Gaming

This weekend I will be traveling quite a bit which means my PS Vita will get some decent use. I plan on taking down some airships in Luftrausers and break a few of my high scores. I love this simple yet complex shooter and the art style has won me over a log time ago!

Brandon’s Weekend Gaming

With the potential of having the house by myself this weekend, I want to try and beat some games that I have put off for a while, which includes Uncharted 2 and Far Cry 3.
