Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition demo coming Feb 26

Posted by: 2/23/2018

Square Enix announced that a demo for Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition will release on February 26th on three different digital storefronts: Steam, Origin, and Windows Store.

The demo will include the entirety of Chapter 1, so you’ll get the tutorial and some of the first quests. The demo is designed for PC gamers to get a taste of the game, and for PC gamers to test the game out on their computers to see how well they can run it.

Square Enix also announced that if you buy the game before May 1st, you will receive some gear from the Half-Life series. It seems a bit weird, but it is also cool seeing the iconic Half-Life suit in action again. The gear you receive is the HEV Suit, Gordon Freeman’s iconic glasses, and a crowbar.
