E3 2018: Beat Saber Coming to Playstation VR

Posted by: 6/10/2018

Sony’s “Countdown to E3 2018” came to an end today with the announcement of a Beat Saber port for Playstation VR. Beat Saber released on Steam Early Access earlier this year, and public reception has been very positive.

Beat Saber is a rhythm game that uses hand-tracking controllers as the titular beat sabers (which I assume are legally distinct from light sabers) to smash blocks with arrows on them. The arrows, color-coded to specify which saber to strike with, signify which side of the block the player needs to hit. The player will also have to physically move to avoid walls that periodically come down the track.

There was no release date given by Sony in the announcement trailer, but I for one will be keeping an eye on this game for developments.

E3 2018 News Playstation