Halo 3 map Revealed ‘Blackout’

Posted by: 3/26/2008

Bungie revealed Blackout (Lockout remake) today the third and final map in the upcoming Legendary Map Pack. The map pack will be released April 15th for 800 MS points. More screenshots below.

Producer Allen Murray, Designer Dan Miller and artists Paul Russel and Blake Low answered a handful of questions about Blackout.

What did each of you do on Blackout?
Dan Miller: Designing odds and ends, I kept stewardship over the level and fixed bugs. There wasn’t really a whole lot to do design-wise after the weapons and gametypes were placed. We tried to keep it as close to Halo 2 as possible and let the community Forge it up how they wish.

What’s the fictional setting for Blackout this time? Its predecessor, Lockout, was set on a Forerunner installation.
BL: Its predecessor, Lockout, was set on a Forerunner installation. This time around we thought it would be cool to see what a human version of this same map would look like. So we created the fiction of it being a human weather station in the middle of frozen nowhere. View all questions and answers.
