confirmes 500 gamerscore than expected on Halo 3 TU2 [Update]

Posted by: 9/23/2008

Sept. 23, 2008 the day that Halo 3 gamers will remember as a day just like the release day of Halo 3. hasn’t confirmed this. But, has. So, who do you believe? Halo 3 along with the title update releasing 250 Gamerscore for the legendary map pack and an additional 500 Gamerscore has been added to the list!! That Brings the total to 1750 Gamerscore! This was brought to our attention during PAX08. Then Brought to our loyal onPause followers at that time and that the title update was going to bring a total of 750 Gamerscore to the mix. Welcome to update day Halo 3 gamers and enjoy!!!

[Update: The link went down but you can view the Achievements on]

[Update 2: Bungie has confirmed that the extra 500 Gamerscore will be available in the next map pack. (cough Mythic cough)
