NXE is starting to take shape on xbox.com. (Drawing for 48 hr XBL code!)

Posted by: 11/18/2008

Thats right. Some of the features of NXE are starting to take place at xbox.comm as the day progresses. Some Gamertags are showing avatars on their my xbox page and so of the revamped marketplace stuff is on as well. Also, all of the people that signed up for the preview program ar getting a taste early of the NXE with the download being made available to them.

Some gamers are swelling with anticipation and some are dreading of learning a new dash. Which brings me to the question. What are you guys looking for? Comment with a answer. So you can be entered for a drawing or a 48 hour xbox live trial. Make sure you enter your email addy so we know where to send it. Drawing will occur 12/1/08 winner will be notified on that date!
