Valve is planning cross platform play for Portal 2

Posted by: 8/22/2010

Valve just announced Portal 2’s release date and had revealed that the game will come to the Playstation 3 including steamworks support. That was great news to all PS3 owners but Erik Johnson, the project manager of the game went on GametrailersTV and dropped some more juicy details.

When asked if Portal 2 will have cross game support, for instance playing co-op between a PC and a PS3 Johnson replied: “We would definitely want to do that”. Needless to say, that would be a killer feature. He also noted that “Sony has been great to work with” and that the PS3 version of Portal 2 would be “the best console version” since it will be steamworks supported.

Cross platform play is not yet confirmed but these statements surly show the intent Valve has to make it happen. Stay tuned for updates.
