What do you expect from Gamescom 2010

Posted by: 8/17/2010

Gamescom is the largest gaming expo in Europe, it is a larger event than E3. Maybe even bigger than TGS. Last year Sony revealed its Sony PS3 Slim at the Cologne convention. What can we expect this year? What do you as a gamer want to see or even demand to see?

Many gamers, including me want to see more of the Nintendo 3DS and a possible hint at what this Playstation cell phone is all about, maybe even a PSP 2? Wishful thinking, or is it? The European market is gigantic and is responsible for a large percentage of video game software and hardware sales for all 3 major players. Not only is it a huge money maker for Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft – it is also a very different type of consumer space. SingStar, racing and sports games dominate the gaming space in Europe as opposed to the continuous flow of shooters and action games we love so much in the US.

I am hoping for some big reveals and showcases of already announced titles as well as more news and hands on with the first entries Sony and Microsoft are making into the motion gaming territory. Are you guys ready to buy Kinect and/or Move yet? I sure need to see more evidence that my hard earned money isn’t turning into a 3DO or Dreamcast. I do love Crazy Taxi though.

The expo is kicking off on the 18th this month and lasts through the weekend but before the Germans start mashing buttons on consoles all over Cologne Microsoft, EA and Sony will be holding their big press conferences tomorrow. Back to back. I am very curious as to what has been saved for Gamescom and what is not being announced yet due to TGS in Japan, which kicks off soon.

Check back here to find out what the big players have in store for you this holiday and beyond.
