Activision to publish Apache: Air Assault

Posted by: 9/16/2010

Apache: Air Assault is a new game from Gaijin Entertainment which brought us IL-2 Sturmovik Birds of Prey. The title revolves around Helicopter Combat and is called a ‘simulator’ in Activision’s email to press.

Whether you decide to fight alone or with a co-pilot in one of the 16 multi-stage missions, Apache: Air Assault aims to be as realistic as possible in order for player(s) to feel the rush and adrenaline of a military operation and the precision and detail needed to complete an objective. From the real-world satellite photography used to make the environments to the meticulously designed controls, players will finally get the helicopter flight sim they’ve been waiting for.

The game is due out on November 16th for the Xbox 360 and PS3. We have posted the first trailer below, what do you think about some helicopter action?
