Viacom Selling Harmonix

Posted by: 11/12/2010

In a suprising move, Viacom Inc. has announced that the company will be selling one of its main Businesses due to the way they’d like to ‘focus’ their company.

Viacom had aquired Harmonix for a sum of 175 MM Dollars previously.

No reason for Rock Band and Dance Central fans to be alarmed though, as Viacom will make sure the studio will continue support for their games until the company finds a suitable buyer. Talks have already started according to Viacom.

There are obviously many financial reasons to be considered including revenue, growth, net income as well as a declining Music and Rythem Video Game market and Harmonix being at the top of their game right now.

No word on potential buyers yet as everyone is keeping the cards close to their vest.

