November NPD Numbers – Black Friday Edition

Posted by: 12/10/2010

I am almost certain that the NPD Group had to crunch a lot of numbers this week as they revealed the rather high November NPD figures for hardware.

Bloomberg went ahead and published the latest numbers on their website today and they revealed some really strong and some disappointing numbers. According to Bloomberg, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 sold 1.37 million consoles in November, followed by Nintendo’s Wii at 1.27 million units and in third place came Sony’s Playstation 3. While Microsoft and Nintendo pushed well over a million consoles during the heaviest shopping month of the year, Sony ‘only’ sold 530,000 consoles.

While Xbox Kinect drove 77 percent of consoles sales, the Move was at the lower end of the spectrum, creating 22 percent of the sold PS3’s.

Also, apparently people STILL need DS’s as Nintendo sold an additional 1.5 million of those as well.
