Halo: Reach Grab Bag update features FireFight

Posted by: 1/11/2011

If you are like me and have been a bit bored of Halo: Reach lately this post may get you back into the game. Bungie has just released a new Grab Bag playlist that features a bunch of crazy FireFight gametypes that actually look like a lot of fun. The Grab Bag playlist is only up a short time, get on now before you miss out. Check out the details of these gametypes below.

Fistfight: (Based on Rocketfight with weapon pickup enabled, Hammers and Sword starting weapons, added 200% Damage and Melee modifier, 2 each grenade count, Player Movement 120%, enable Grunt B-day, IWHBYD and Cowbell skulls, disabled dropship, 2X Overshields, Skirmisher Bonus Round, Loadout 5 is Hologram, 5 Second Respawn, added Heretics into Waves)

Nadefight: (Based on Rocketfight with weapon pickup enabled, Grenade Launcher and Concussion Rifle starting weapons, added 150% Damage and Melee modifier, 4 each grenade count, enable Grunt B-Day, IWHBYD and Cowbell skulls, disabled dropship, 2X Overshields, Skirmisher Bonus Round, Added Evade for Armor Lock, and Hologram for Dropshield, 5 second respawn, add Heretics)

Rocketfight: (weapon pickup enabled, add: 150% Damage and Melee Modifier, 2 each grenade count, enable Grunt B-day, IWHBYD and Cowbell skulls, disable dropships, 2X Overshields, Grunt Bonus Round, Swapped out Armor Lock for Evade, Swapped out Drop Shield for Hologram, 5 second respawn, add Heretics)

Sniperfight: (weapon pickup enabled, add: 150% Damage and Melee Modifier, 2 each grenade count, enable Grunt B-day, IWHBYD and Cowbell skulls, disable dropships, 2X Overshields, Grunt Bonus Round, Added Sprint back in and Hologram, 5 second respawn, add Heretics)

FRGFight: (based on updated Rocketfight with Fuel Rod and Needler starts)

Plasmafight: (based on updated Rocketfight with Plasma Launcher and Needle Rifle starts, and 4x Plasma grenades)

I see my friends and I doing some FireFight tonight!
