Microsoft buys Skype for a cold 8.5 billion.

Posted by: 5/18/2011

Microsoft bought Skype, so what does this mean? Besides the obvious.

Microsoft just spent a bank full of money for a next to free communication service. It means that with this purchase Skype will probably come to the xbox 360 and any other Microsoft device.

Kinect support was confirmed. Video conferencing is gonna be available to all Xbox Live users. We Dont know if there is a micro-transaction or anything to that effect. In other words, you can see grandma a lot easier with the Xbox and Kinect.

It hasn’t been confirmed if Skype will be able to use the Vision Cam. It’s a possibility, with the support on the PSP and other non-windows devices. It looks like they are going to continue that service. How long? Who knows. Microsoft just forked out 8.5 billion bucks. Now we need cross game voice on PSN.
