Review: F1 2011 (3DS)

Posted by: 12/5/2011

The Formula 1 experience is one cherished by console and PC gamers alike. Codemasters has delivered on that front with last year’s excellent F1 2010 and the improved 2011 this year, providing excitement, authenticity and fun in a great package. With the addition of the Nintendo 3DS to the hardware front it was time for Codies to enter the handheld space as well.

I will say this up front, if you’re the type of gamer that loves to sit on the couch or a comfortable PC gaming chair, then this game will probably not be for you, unless this is a supplement to your Formula 1 cravings. F1 2011 for the 3DS is sort of a double edges sword, the game provides content parity with its its bigger HD brother and even includes additional modes like time trial and race based challenges but the racing will not be of the same simulation-esque caliber you may be used to.

However, if that is not an issue for you and the goal is to get some fun racing on the go, then go ahead and pull the trigger on F1 2011 for 3DS. Codemasters has created a fine handheld game that suits the 3DS very well. The 3D effect worked well for me on a medium setting, providing some additional depth , that I never experience in that way. The game includes full blown career and championship modes as well as single races. F1 2011 looks and sounds good, it didn’t blow me out of the water but certainly got the job done.

Once players decide what they’d like to do and get into the racing, F1 2011 becomes quite fun, after some getting used to the controls. The circle pad allows for precise maneuvering after some practice. While I was certainly skeptical about the gameplay of this handheld version, I have to say that it managed to surprise me in a good way. The handling of the cars is rather arcadey but kept me engaged throughout several hours.

Racing games on handheld platforms aren’t always the best fit for the hardware, unless we are talking about arcade racers like Mario Kart, but with F1 2011 Codemasters manages to create a quality niche for itself. The game includes a full suite of content as well as features and manages to impress with its racing gameplay. Many 3DS games use rather gimmicky 3D effects but again, Codemasters was able to add meaningful, yet not overpowering 3D to a good racing game for Nintendo’s latest handheld.

Score: 8 / 10

F1 2011 was developed by Codemasters Birmingham and published by Codemasters for the Nintendo 3DS on November 25th. A copy of the game was provided to us by Codemasters for reviewing purposes.
