Bethesda and Interplay settle the ongoing Fallout IP lawsuit

Posted by: 1/10/2012

Today Bethesda has issued a statement in regards to the ongoing law suit battle with Interplay which had, according to an earlier agreement, failed to meet the milestones while developing a Fallout MMO.

The two parties have settled out of court and Bethesda’s parent company ZeniMax agreed to pay a sum of 2 Million Dollars towards the agreement which makes any rights for Interplay’s Fallout based MMO Null and Void.

Additionally the publisher revealed that Interplay’s rights to Fallout and Fallout 2 as well as merchandise trademarks will expire in December 2013.

It is sad to see plans for a potential Fallout MMO fail, for now. However, with the rights back at Bethesda, we can be sure that those plans may still pan out in the future.
