Sponsored Video: Samsung Memory – Meet Battery Brutus

Posted by: 6/19/2012

We have all been there.

It may have been while sitting on the train home from work while trying watch a Netflix movie or a hysterical YouTube clip a friend sent you. It could have been a very important phone call from your boss or an angry girlfriend you’re trying to sooth after forgetting your anniversary. Maybe you were simply trying to check your Klout score.

It all boils down to the same issue – your battery died! It was that split second that you remembered that the charger is in your backpack at home or that you left the other battery in the car but it’s too late. Your battery is dead.

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens in that moment leading up to the inevitable disaster? Samsung went and found our for themselves and not only that – they also found a solution: Samsung Memory.

Check out Brutus in action below.

[Editorial Note: This post is sponsored by Samsung Memory]
