Sponsored Video: Pokemon Typing

Posted by: 9/17/2012

So you like Pokemon and you also like typing? Maybe you simply want to become better at it and play a game while doing it. Who likes those flying finger software-types that promise to make typing fun? I sure don’t and if you like your 3DS and video games, I can’t see you being a big fan of lame typing software either.

In any case, you may be interested in a new ‘Typing Adventure’ called Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure. This game will have players exploring the world of Pokemon and bring joy to typing for once! Regardless whether you are a beginner or a champion speed type professional, this game will let you enjoy yourself at your own skill level.

Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure is designed to improve its users’ typing abilities by going through specially designed courses which entail the catching of Pokemon by typing out their names quickly before they have a chance to run away. The game is for your Nintendo 3DS and will come with a keyboard to truly create a real typing experience.

This game is also great for nowbies to typing as it provides great courses for you as well. If you want to get your children up to speed more quickly or get a head start on the school year, this may be a great alternative to the standard learning tools that may not be as ‘fun’ to kids.

Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure is one of those innovative titles Nintendo has been known for and reminds us why Nintendo is the grandfather of video games.

This post has been sponsored by Nintendo.

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