Sponsored Video: James Franco with the Samsung GALAXY Camera

Posted by: 12/27/2012

We have all been there, you’re at a party and it’s time to snap some great photos to post of Facebook or Twitter, heck we even used to email them! Of course we all ran into the same issues when taking photos of friends and family.

Some of the common threats to a good photo aren’t red eyes or bad resolution anymore – they have advanced like a vicious virus. Photographers now have to take into account the ‘Photo Bomber’, ‘The Shut Eyes Portrait’ or everyone asking to take a picture with their camera or smart phone as well.

I have some good news for you Mr and Mrs Photographer, the Samsung GALAXY Camera has solutions for all of these problems and more. Watch the video below as James Franco demonstrates just how to crop out the photo bomber on the spot or chose the best face out of a blinking crowd.

The GALAXY Camera is one of the coolest gadgets around and makes a real case why we should carry a second gadget in our pocket apart from the common smart phone!

[This post was sponsored by Samsung]

James Franco

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