Vice President Joe Biden meets with Games Industry

Posted by: 1/15/2013

It was January 11th that Vice President Joe Biden met with the leaders and researchers of the video game industry to discuss gun violence and any potential impact the medium may have on the consumer. The video game industry wasn’t the only one affected by these debates as the NRA has already been subject to Biden’s task force as well as the film industry.

All of this is the government’s reaction to the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

Some of the members of the video game industry involved in the discussions, who can be seen in the image in this post, are EA CEO John Riccitiello and Michael Gallagher who is the president of the Electronic Software Association (ESA).

Joe Biden reassured the members of the panel by saying, “I want you to know you have not been ‘singled out’ for help, but we’ve asked a whole lot of people,” as he had his hand on Riccitiello’s shoulder.

Please take a few minutes to watch the video below which was posted on the a government YouTube channel.

Vice President Biden meets with Video Game Industry

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