Get ready for Shadow Leapin’ in DARK

Posted by: 3/27/2013

The mixture of vampires and stealth games could be a winning recipe, and Kalypso Media is banking on this idea with their upcoming stealth action vampire game called DARK. For GDC 2013, they have released a new video showcasing some of the vampire powers the main character Eric Bane will possess throughout the story. DARK is set to release this June for the Xbox 360 and PC.

DARK has sort of piqued my interest. I really like the games Kalypso puts out, and vampires are pretty cool. Although the last time I played as a vampire in a game, I accidentally transformed into one in Oblivion and couldn’t figure out how cure myself. It ended up ruining an 80 hour game I had going. Anyway, here is the newest trailer for DARK!

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