The Walking Dead on sale for a limited time

Posted by: 3/26/2013

The Walking Dead, winner of multiple game of the year awards in 2012, is on sale for the Xbox 360, PS3, and iOS. These sales will last for the next few weeks, and differ depending on the platform you are wanting to play the game on.

For the iOS, the game is titled “Walking Dead: The Game.” From March 25 to April 10, episodes two through five of the game are on sale for $2.99 a piece, or you can buy the bundle pack that has episodes two through five for $9.99. Episode one has been free for quite some time on the App Store.

Those looking to purchase the game on the Xbox 360 will find episode one for free! Episodes two through five are discounted at 50% off, dropping the price down to 200 Microsoft Points. This is for the Xbox Live Arcade version of the game, and the sale runs from March 26 to April 1st.

The PlayStation Network is split depending on region. For those in Europe, excluding Germany, the sale runs from March 20 to April 3. Episode one will be free for all PSN users, episodes two through five will be 50% off for PSN Plus members, and the season pass is 25% off for regular users, and 60% off for PSN Plus members. The sale in Germany is the same, except it does not specify if episode one is free.

For PlayStation Network users in North and South America, the sale will run from April 1 to April 16. Episode one will be free for all users. Episodes two through five will be $3.99 each for normal users, and $2.99 each for PSN Plus members. The season pass for run for $14.99 for regular users, and $10.49 for PSN Plus Members.

This is an excellent deal for those who have not play The Walking Dead yet. It was my favorite game of 2012, and should be experienced by everyone.

TWD Episode 4

iOS Playstation Xbox