Hotline Miami pub brings us ‘Always Sometimes Monsters’ RPG

Posted by: 8/28/2013

Today Vagabond Dog and Devolver Digital of Hotline Miami fame have announced a new indie RPG called Always Sometimes Monsters for the PC which is slated for 2014 and also playable at PAX in Seattle.

Always Sometimes Monsters, an unconventional RPG about life, love and the lengths that we will go to find happiness in both. Set to release on PC in 2014, Always Sometimes Monsters aims to explore themes and issues of the modern world where decisions you make affect your life and the lives of those around you.

Always Sometimes Monsters will have players assume the role of ‘a character out of luck’ who just saw their beloved marry someone else.

“Developing Always Sometimes Monsters has been a continual process of evaluating our game mechanics and it has also been an evolution of how we regard ethics and morality,” said Justin Amirkhani from developer Vagabond Dog. “Concepts of right and wrong can easily whittle away within the game, so we are looking forward to seeing what choices players make during their unique journeys.”

Players will be able to select characters of different gender, race, and sexual orientation and set out on the open road to overcome everything and everyone that life throws at you on your way to redemption.

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