Weekend Gaming 8/16/2013

Posted by: 8/16/2013


It is Friday, and there is no better way to spend the weekend than playing a new release, or continuing a game that you’ve been playing for a while. Either way, it is time for Weekend Gaming.

New Releases 

Gone Home (PC, Mac, Linux) – This first person mystery game is getting rave reviews. We haven’t played it yet, but we feel safe recommending this game since we haven’t seen a review for it below 95%. You play as a young woman who just returned home from a trip to Europe, but the house your family lives in is abandoned. You must piece together what happened to your family.

PayDay 2 (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) – This is the highly anticipated sequel to the co-op heist shooter PayDay: The Heist. There is not much more to say about it, other than it looks to up the action, the heists, and improve on an already solid game.

Brandon’s Weekend Gaming 

Battlefield 3 – Without hesitation I bought into the Humble Origin Bundle, getting some great games for an incredibly low price. One of those is Battlefield 3, which I have not played since the open beta two years ago. I can’t wait to try it out, I’ve been looking for a good FPS online multiplayer game for some time now.

Gone Home – After all of the positive reactions about this game, I have to play it. Expect a review sometime next week.

Andreas’ Weekend Gaming 

Andreas is on vacation for the weekend. He’ll be back on Tuesday.

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