You can still pre-order the BEYOND: Two Souls Special Edition

Posted by: 9/27/2013

In case wanted to pre order the BEYOND: Two Souls Special Edition, you still have two weeks to do so before the launch Quantic Dream’s latest game featuring Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe.

he steel book Special Edition will feature the ‘Advanced Experiments’ additional playable scene. In this scene you will test your rapid problem-solving skills as you guide Jodie and the mysterious entity Aiden through a series of tough training missions. Over the course of 30 minutes of additional gameplay you will determine your ability to use your brain while keeping an ice-cool head in high-pressure situations.

The Special Edition will also include the soundtrack with the four main themes from the game, as well as four ‘Making Of’ videos featuring David Cage, Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe. OF course there will also be a theme and avatar code thrown in for good measure.

Beyond Two Souls Special Edition

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