PS4 will turn ‘SmokezMadBluntz420’ into John Smith

Posted by: 10/23/2013

According to Kotaku Sony’s PS4 will support real player names via Facebook linking as well as your PSN ID which is probably ‘SmokezMadBluntz420’ or ‘SupaKillahJamXXX’.

There is hope yet! According to Kotaku players will be able search via real names, which is probably John Smith of Jon Doe or something similar as opposed to ‘1337hax0r’.

While your beloved PSN ID will still be the PSN default when playing games and such, there will be an option to use your real name which lends itself to actually remembering that ‘GamerJamzzzzzzz999’ is your cousin.

Microsoft noted that this feature will not be supported at launch on Xbox One – so be prepared to get friend requests from ‘DaIllistDubStepBro’ and offensive voice messages from your buddy ‘BonerJams’.


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