Weekend Gaming 10/25/2013

Posted by: 10/25/2013


It is Friday, and there is no better way to spend the weekend than playing a new release, or continuing a game that you’ve been playing for a while. Either way, it is time for Weekend Gaming

New Releases 

Batman: Arkham Origins (Xbox 360, PS3, PC) – Origins is set before both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. It isn’t an origin story of Batman, but Bruce Wayne is still pretty green when it comes to fighting bad guys. Origins is set around Christmas time in Gotham, with 10 assassins coming to the city to take out Batman. The game was not developed by Rocksteady, but early reviews have been decent, saying it is similar to the previous Batman games.

Brandon’s Weekend Gaming 

Grand Theft Auto 5 – I’m still playing through the campaign, which is amazing. I’m enjoying almost every second with this game. Rockstar has really stepped up to show why they are one of the elite developers in the world.

Shadow of the Colossus – Now that I own a PlayStation, I am going through a bunch of games that I missed when I was an Xbox owner. I have always wanted to play Shadow of the Colossus, so it is the first game on my backlog list.

Andreas’ Weekend Gaming 

NBA 2K14 – It’s time to dive into some basketball and see what the guys of 2K Sports have cooked up with this years game. The NBA 2K series has been the game to get if you want to play some basketball since NBA Live was on break and the NBA game from Sony also hasn’t  release in some time.

Saints Row VI – Enter the Dominatrix – The  Enter the Dominatrix DLC was supposed to release for Saints Row The Third but it never came out.However, Volition made it a point to release the content for the new Saints Row title and none of the good puns will go to waste! Perfect timing if you’re done with GTA 5!

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