Check in: Is the PS4 the leap everyone wanted?

Posted by: 11/18/2013

The PlayStation 4 launched on Friday and the world’s eyes were on the console’s launch.

There was a big launch event in New York City which was televised live on Spike TV and streamed all over the world for everyone to see. Gamers everywhere waited in line to shell out their 400 Dollars which is 200 bucks cheaper than the ‘Get a second Job’ launch PS3 from 2006.

While the console is still expensive it is yet a much better deal, and likely a better deal than the Xbox One some may say. After spending a weekend with the new black magical box of mystery and wonder I have my own thoughts on the PS4 but am more interested in your opinion.

You waited in line and pre-ordered the console, the hype got to all of us I admit, and now you had time to play the games, and check out the features. Albeit some issues on the PSN and limited functionality the PS4 still did impress me.

I was able to use voice commands and facial recognition which both worked well for me with the optional 60 Dollar PS Camera. I played Resogun, Battlefield 4 and Assassin’s Creed IV in its high resolution glory. The games are impressive.

Upon creating my Twitch account, I was also able to stream gameplay without an expensive piece of kit or even a PC to broadcast my gameplay, commentary and video feed. I did not think all of this would work at launch to be honest.

While there are a lot more features, games and functionality to come, the PS4 made an impressive debut in the onPause HQ.

How about you guys, did you buy a PS4? Did you set it up and revved its 8 GB of GDDR5 Ram to the max? Were you surprised, disappointed or just happy?

We are dying to hear gamers opinions out there. Tell us your PS4 launch story.


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