Sponsored Video: AXE and Battlefield 4

Posted by: 12/14/2013

Rules of attraction are typically pretty easy, two people make eye contact, smell each other and maybe even come close to the touch – the perfect recipe for romance. The problem is what if there is an all out war happening in the world and you smell absolutely terrible, right?

Good thing there is the ‘AXE Effect’ to fall back on.

Battlefield 4 is not only the most large scale multiplayer shooter out there, featuring huge battlefield maps that allow 64 players to engage into virtual firefights like never before, but it is also my favorite way to  spend time with friends after a long day at the office. EA and DICE developed Battlefield 4 to be even more engaging than ever before. I love jumping in a tank to take out opposing forces only to hop into a helicopter after being blown to bits by landmines.

This post has been sponsored by Axe & EA, but all thoughts are our own.

You can tell that I spend a lot of time playing Battlefield 4 and tend to not get up for anything but runs to the fridge or the bathroom before the next game has loaded up and the fighter jet respawned just in time for me to wreck it by accident after take off. I may not be the best jet pilot but I sure have fun trying to be.

In any event, when I do eventually get up to hit the shower since, well to be honest – I am a ready to, I grab my AXE body wash. This turns out to be a win-win since Battlefield 4’s EA and AXE have partnered up to give away some great prizes. If you pick up specially marked AXE packages at Walmart, you could win in-game content, Battlefield swag and even a trip to Germany.

EA and AXE Special Contest Battlefield 4 Prozes WalMart

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