Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack now on PS3 and 360

Posted by: 6/18/2014

DrinkBox Studios, the team behind Guacamele!, have released Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Mutant Blobs Attack is a platformer where you play as a tiny Blob that increases in size as you eat objects around the world. You use this increased size to unlock other areas in each level.

If you have heard of Mutant Blobs Attack before, that’s because it was released on the PlayStation Vita two years ago, and then for the PC a little after that. The game will cost you $8, unless you already own the game on Vita, which then the game will run you $4. Sorry Xbox 360 owners, you do not get any good deals.

Check out the trailer for the console release below.

Personally, I love this game, and anyone looking for a calm platformer should check it out.


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