E3: Horizon: Zero Dawn coming to PS4 from Guerrilla Games

Posted by: 6/16/2015

Today we finally got our hands on the new game from Guerrilla Games, the creators of Killzone, who will bring us Horizon: Zero Dawn which will be coming to the PlayStation 4 exclusively.


Watch the first gameplay trailer as well as a 6 minute stage demo below.

Horizon Zero Dawn is set in a lush, beautiful open world where nature has reclaimed the ruins of a forgotten civilization. It is a world where mankind is not the dominant species, and highly advanced machines sit at the top of the food chain. You play as Aloy, a young outcast from a tribal society, who has learned to hunt the machines. Intent on unraveling the many mysteries that surround her, Aloy embarks on a quest that will lead her to discover her own destiny.

Along the way, Aloy will face off against an entire menagerie of machines – some traveling in herds, others roaming in solitude, all of them presenting a formidable danger. You will need to learn their behaviors, attack patterns and weak points in order to survive. You must use the beautiful environments to your advantage, and employ stealth, agility, and cunning to approach your prey unseen.

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