The Division celebrates two years with 20 million players

Posted by: 3/1/2018

The Division was released two years ago, and it is still going strong thanks to Ubisoft supporting the game post-launch. They announced today that 20 million people have played The Division, which is a huge number!

They also announced to celebrate the two year anniversary, there will be a global event every week during the month of March. Global events add modifiers to all events in the world of The Division, and people who complete the events get special cosmetic and loot items.

Check out the infographic below to see more information about the two years of The Division.

Editor’s note: I recently got back into The Division after taking a year off, and it’s been awesome playing the game again and seeing how it has changed from the initial release. I plan on playing much more of the game in the coming months.

Also, the most impressive number to me is the 2x player engagement after the release of 1.8. That’s a huge increase in the player base for a game that had been out for over a year.

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