Valve to bring final Controller, Machines and VR to GDC this Year

23rd February 2015 - Today Valve announced that it will attend GDC in San Francisco this year with a whole lot of cool hardware gadgets in tow. What sort of hardware you ask? Well,…Read More


Here is that updated Steam Controller from Valve

17th March 2014 - Just in time for GDC Valve released an image of the updated Steam Controller which changed since it was initially revealed in its prototype form last year. The new controller…Read More


Steam Machines: Why you should keep PS4/XBone Pre-Orders

6th October 2013 - After Valve made their three pronged announcement for the Steam OS, Steam Machines and Steam Controller, many gamers questioned if they should be dropping their PlayStation 4 or Xbox One…Read More


Valve announces the Steam Controller

27th September 2013 - Yes, we hoped, begged and pleaded but Valve did not give us Half Life 3. After the company announced Steam OS and Steam Machines, today’s final announcement completes the living…Read More